top 200 skåne
Anser anser | graylag goose | oie cendree | grågås | geese | |
Branta canadensis | canada goose | bernache du canada | kanadagås | geese | |
Branta leucopsis | barnacle goose | bernache nonnette | vitkindadgås | geese | |
Branta bernicla | brant goose | bernache cravant | prutgås | geese | |
Tadorna tadorna | common shelduck | tadorne de belon | gravand | geese | |
Alopochen aegyptiaca | egyptian goose | ouette d’egypte | nilgås | geese | Not In The Book |
Branta ruficollis | red-breasted goose | bernache a cou rouge | rödhalsadgås | geese | |
Anser fabalis | taiga bean-goose | oie des moissons | sädgås | geese | |
Anser albifrons | greater white-fronted goose | oie rieuse | bläsgås | geese | |
Cygnus olor | mute swan | cygne tubercule | knölsvan | swans | |
Cygnus cygnus | whooper swan | cygne chanteur | sångswan | swans | |
Anas platyrhynchos | mallard | canard colvert | gräsand | dabbling ducks | |
Spatula clypeata | northern shoveler | canard souchet | skedand | dabbling ducks | |
Mareca penelope | eurasian wigeon | canard siffleur | bläsand | dabbling ducks | |
Anas crecca | green-winged teal | sarcelle d’hiver | kricka | dabbling ducks | |
Spatula querquedula | garganey | sarcelle d'été | årta | dabbling ducks | |
Spatula strepera | gadwall | canard chipeau | snatterand | dabbling ducks | |
Anas acuta | northern pintail | canard pilet | stjärtand | dabbling ducks | |
Aythya ferina | common pochard | fuligule milouin | brunand | diving ducks | |
Clangula hyemalis | long-tailed duck | harelde boréal | alfågel | diving ducks | |
Aythya marila | greater scaup | fuligule milouinan | bergand | diving ducks | |
Aaythya fuligula | tufted duck | fuligule morillon | vigg | diving ducks | |
Somateria mollissima | common eider | eider a duvet | ejder | diving ducks | |
Bucephala clangula | common goldeneye | garrot a oeil d’or | knipa | diving ducks | |
Melanitta nigra | common scoter | macreuse noire | sjöorre | diving ducks | |
Melanitta fusca | velvet scoter | macreuse brune | svärta | diving ducks | |
Mergus merganser | common merganser | grand harle | storskrake | diving ducks | |
Mergus serrator | red-breasted merganser | harle huppe | småskrake | diving ducks | |
Mergellus albellus | smew | harle piette | salskrake | diving ducks | |
Phasianus colchicus | ring-necked pheasant | faisan de colchide | fasan | fowl-like | |
Tachybaptus ruficollis | little grebe | grebe castagneux | smådopping | grebes | |
Podiceps grisegena | red-necked grebe | grebe jougris | gråhakedopping | grebes | |
Podiceps cristatus | great crested grebe | grebe huppée | skäggdopping | grebes | |
Columba oenas | stock dove | pigeon colombin | skogsduva | pigeons and doves | |
Columba palumbus | common wood pigeon | pigeon ramier | ringduva | pigeons and doves | |
Columbia livia | rock pigeon | pigeon biset | klippduva | pigeons and doves | |
streptopelia decaocto | eurasian collared-dove | tourterelle turque | turkduva | pigeons and doves | |
Cuculous canorus | common cuckoo | coucou gris | gök | cuckoos | |
Apus apus | common swift | martinet noir | tornseglare | swifts | |
Rallus aquaticus | water rail | râle d'eau | vattenrall | gallinules and rails | |
Fulica atra | eurasian coot | foulque macroule | sothöna | gallinules and rails | |
Gallinula chloropus | common moorhen | gallinule poule-d’eau | rörhöna | gallinules and rails | |
Grus grus | common crane | grue cendree | trana | cranes | |
Recurvirostra avosetta | pied avocet | avocette | skärfläcka | lapwing,avocet,oystercatcher | |
Haematopus ostralegus | eurasian oystercatcher | huitrier pie | strandskata | lapwing,avocet,oystercatcher | |
Pluvialis squatarola | black-bellied plover | pluvier argenté | kustpipare | plovers | |
Pluvialis apricaria | european golden-plover | pluvier doré | ljungpipare | plovers | |
Vanellus vanellus | northern lapwing | vanneau huppé | tofsvipa | lapwing,avocet,oystercatcher | |
Charadrius hiaticula | common ringed plover | grand gravelot | större strandpipare | plovers | |
Charadrius dubius | little ringed plover | pluvier petit gravelot | mindre strandpipare | plovers | |
Numenius phaeopus | whimbrel | courlis corlieu | småspov | spov | |
Numenius arquata | eurasian curlew | courlis cendré | storspov | spov | |
Limosa lapponica | bar-tailed godwit | barge rousse | myrspov | spov | |
Limosa limosa | black-tailed godwit | barge a queue noire | rödspov | spov | |
Calidris canutus | red knot | becasseau maubeche | kustsnäppa | calidris | |
Calidris ferruginea | curlew sandpiper | becasseau cocorli | spovsnäppa | calidris | |
Calidris pugnas | ruff | combattant varié | brushane | calidris | |
Calidris alba | sanderling | becasseau sanderling | sandlöpare | calidris | |
Calidris alpina | dunlin | becasseau variable | kärrsnäppa | calidris | |
Calidris minuta | little stint | becasseau minute | småsnäppa | calidris | |
Calidris temminckii | temminck's stint | becasseau de temminck | mosnäppa | calidris | |
Lymnocryptes minimus | jack snipe | becassine sourde | dvärgbeckasin | snipes and woodcock | |
Scolopax rusticola | woodcock | becasse des bois | morkulla | snipes and woodcock | |
Gallinago gallinago | common snipe | becassine dees marais | enkelbeckasin | snipes and woodcock | |
Actitis hypoleucos | common sandpiper | chevalier guignette | drillsnäppa | sandpipers | |
Tringa ochropus | green sandpiper | chevalier culblanc | skogsnäppa | sandpipers | |
Tringa erythropus | spotted redshank | chevalier arlequin | svartsnäppa | shanks | |
Tringa nebularia | common greenshank | chevalier aboyeur | gluttsnäppa | shanks | |
Tringa glareola | wood sandpiper | chevalier sylvain | grönbena | sandpipers | |
Tringa totanus | common redshank | chevalier gambette | rödbena | shanks | |
Uria aalge | common murre | guillemot marmete | sillgrissla | alcids | |
Alca torda | razorbill | petit pingouin | tordmule | alcids | |
Cepphus grylle | black guillemot | guillemot a miroir | tobisgrissla | alcids | |
Chroicocephalus ridibundus | black-headed gull | mouette rieuse | skrattmås | gulls | |
Larus canus | mew gull | goeland cendre | fiskmås | gulls | |
Larus argentatus | herring gull | goeland argente | gråtrut | gulls | |
Larus marinus | great black-backed gull | goeland marin | havstrut | gulls | |
Larus fuscus | lesser black-backed gull | goeland brun | silltrut | gulls | |
Larus cachinnans | caspian gull | goeland pontique | kaspisk trut | gulls | |
Hydrocoloeus minutus | little gull | mouette pygmée | dvärgmås | gulls | |
Sterne hirundo | common tern | sterne pierregarin | fisktärna | terns | |
Sternula albifrons | little tern | sterne naine | småterna | terns | |
Sterna paradisaea | arctic tern | sterne arctique | silvertärna | terns | |
Thalasseus | sandwich tern | sterne caugek | kentsk tärna | terns | |
Hydroprogne caspia | caspian tern | stern caspienne | skärntärna | terns | |
Chilidoias niger | black tern | guifette noire | svarttärna | terns | |
Gavia stellata | red-throated loon | plongeon catmarin | smålom | loons | |
Gavia artica | arctic loon | plongeon du pacifique | storlom | loons | |
Morus bassanus | northern gannet | fou de bassan | havssula | gannets and cormorants | |
Phalacrocorax carbo | great cormorant | grand cormoran | storskarv | gannets and cormorants | |
Phalacrocorax aristotelis | european shag | cormoran huppé | toppskarv | gannets and cormorants | |
Botaurus stellaris | great bittern | butor étoilé | rördrom | storks, herons, egrets | |
Ardea cinerea | grey heron | heron cendre | gråhäger | storks, herons, egrets | |
Ardea alba | great egret | grande aigrette | ägretthäger | storks, herons, egrets | |
Ciconia ciconia | white stork | cicogne blanche | vit stork | storks, herons, egrets | |
Pandion haliaetus | osprey | balbuzard pêcheur | fiskgjuse | eagles | |
Pernis apivorus | european honey-buzzard | bondrée apivore | bivråk | buzzrards | |
Aquila chrysaetos | golden eagle | aigle royal | kungsörn | eagles | |
Circus aeruginosus | eurasian marsh-harrier | busard des roseaux | brun kärrhök | buzzrards | |
Circus cyaneus/hudsonius | hen harrier/northern harrier | busard st-martin | blå kärrhök | buzzrards | |
Accipiter nisus | eurasian sparrowhawk | epervier d’europe | sparvhök | buzzrards | |
Accipiter gentilis | northern goshawk | autour des palombes | duvhök | buzzrards | |
Milvus milvus | red kite | milan royal | rödglada | buzzrards | |
Milvus migrans | black kite | milan noir | brunglada | buzzrards | |
Hliaaettus albicilla | white-tailed eagle | pygargue à queue blanche | havsörn | eagles | |
Buteo lagopus | rough-legged hawk | buse pattue | fjällvråk | buzzards | |
Buteo buteo | common buzzard | buse variable | ormvråk | buzzards | |
Strix aluco | tawny owl | chouette hulotte | kattuggla | owls | |
Asio otus | long-eared owl | hibou moyen duc | hornuggla | owls | |
Alcedo atthis | common kingfisher | martin-pêcheur d'Europé | kungfiskare | kingfishers | |
Jynx torquilla | eurasian wryneck | torcol fourmilier | göktyta | woodpeckers | |
Dendrocopus major | great spotted woodpecker | pic epeiche | större hackspett | woodpeckers | |
Dryobates minor | lesser spotted woodpecker | pic epeichette | mindre hackspett | woodpeckers | |
Picus viridis | eurasian green woodpecker | pic vert | gröngöling | woodpeckers | |
Dryocopus martius | black woodpecker | pic noir | spillkråka | woodpeckers | |
Falco tinnunculus | eurasian kestrel | faucon crécerelle | tornfalk | falcons | |
Falco columbarius | merlin | faucon émerillon | stenfalk | falcons | |
Falco subbuteo | eurasian hobby | faucon hobereau | lärfalk | falcons | |
Falco pergrinus | peregrine falcon | faucon pelerin | pilgrimsfalk | falcons | |
Lanius collurio | red-backed shrike | pie-crièche écorcheur | törnskata | shrikes | |
Lanius excubitor | great gray shrike | pie-grièche grise | varfågel | shrikes | |
Garrulus glandarius | eurasian jay | geai des chênes | nötskrika | crows | |
Pica pica | eurasian magpie | pie bavarde | skata | crows | |
Corvus monedula | eurasian jackdaw | choucas des tours | kaja | crows | |
Corvus frugilegus | rook | corbeau freux | råka | crows | |
Corvus cornix | hooded crow | corneille mantelee | gråkråka | crows | |
Corvus corax | common raven | grand corbeau | korp | crows | |
Periparus ater | coal tit | mésange noire | svartmes | tits | |
Lophophanes cristatus | crested tit | mésange huppée | tofsmes | tits | |
Poecile palustris | marsh tit | mésange nonnette | entita | tits | |
Parus montanus | willow tit | mesange boreale | talltita | tits | |
Cyanistes caeruleus | eurasian blue tit | mesange bleue | blåmes | tits | |
Parus major | great tit | mesange charbonniere | talgoxe | tits | |
Panurus biarmicus | bearded reedling | panure à moustaches | skäggmes | tits | |
Aegithalos caudatus | long-tailed tit | mésange à longue queue | stjärtmes | tits | |
Lullula arborea | wood lark | alouette lulu | trädlärka | larks | |
Alauda arvensis | eurasian skylark | alouette des champs | sånglärka | larks | |
Hippolais icterina | icterine warbler | hypolais ictérine | härmsångare | warblers | |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | sedge warbler | phragmite des joncs | sävsångare | warblers | |
Acrocephalus palustris | marsh warbler | rousserolle verderolle | kärrsångare | warblers | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | eurasian reed warbler | rousserole effarvatte | rörsångare | warblers | |
Locustella naevia | common grasshopper warbler | locustelle tachetée | grässhoppsångare | warblers | |
Pylloscopus inornatus | yellow-brown warbler | pouillot à grands sourcils | tajgasångare | warblers | |
Phylloscopus sibilatrix | wood warbler | pouillot siffleur | grönsångare | warblers | |
Phylloscopus trochilus | willow warbler | pouillot fitis | lövsångare | warblers | |
Phylloscopus collybita | common chiffchaff | pouillot veloce | gransångare | warblers | |
Sylvia atricapilla | eurasian blackcap | fauvette à tête noire | svarthätta | warblers | |
Sylvia borin | garden warbler | fauvette des jardins | trädgårgssångare | warblers | |
Sylvia curruca | lesser whitethroat | fauvette babillarde | ärtsångare | warblers | |
Sylvia communis | greater whitethroat | fauvette grise | törnsångare | warblers | |
Riparia riparia | bank swallow | hirondelle de rivage | backsvala | swallows and martins | |
Hirundo rustica | barn swallow | hirondelle rustique | ladusvala | swallows and martins | |
Delichon urbicum | common house-martin | hirondelle de fenêtre | hussvala | swallows and martins | |
Regulus regulus | goldcrest | roitelet huppé | kungsfågel | goldcrest, firecrest | |
Regulus ignicapilla | common firecrest | roitelet à triple bandeau | brandkronad kungsfågel | goldcrest, firecrest | |
Sitta europaea | eurasian nuthatch | sittelle torchepot | nöttväcka | nuthatch,tree creeper, wren | |
Certhia familiaris | eurasian treecreeper | grimpereau brun | trädkrypare | nuthatch,tree creeper, wren | |
Troglodytes troglodytes | eurasian wren | troglodyte mignon | gärdsmyg | nuthatch,tree creeper, wren | |
Cinclus cinclus | white-throated dipper | cincle plongeur | stömstare | nuthatch,tree creeper, wren | |
Sturnus vulgaris | european starling | étourneau sansonnet | stare | thrushes and starling | |
Turdus viscivorus | mistle thrush | grive draine | dubbeltrast | thrushes and starling | |
Turdus philomelos | song thrush | grive musicienne | taltrast | thrushes and starling | |
Turdus iliacus | redwing | grive mauvis | rödvingetrast | thrushes and starling | |
Turdus merula | eurasian blackbird | merle noir | koltrast | thrushes and starling | |
Turdus pilaris | fieldfare | grive litorne | björktrast | thrushes and starling | |
Turdus torquatus | ring ouzel | merle à plastron | ringtrast | Thrushes - merles et grives | |
Turdus migratorius | american robin | merle d’Amerique | vandringstrast | Thrushes - merles et grives | |
Muscicapa striata | spotted flycatcher | gobemouche gris | grå flugsnappare | flycatchers | |
Erithacus rubecula | european robin | rougegorge familier | rödhake | nightingdale, redstarts and chats | |
Luscinia luscinia | thrush nightingale | rossignol progné | näktergal | nightingdale, redstarts and chats | |
Ficedula hypoleuca | european pied flycatcher | gobemouche noir | svartvit flygsnappare | flycatchers | |
Phoenicurus phoenicurus | common redstart | rougequeue a front blanc | rödstjärt | nightingdale, redstarts and chats | |
Phoenicurus ochruros | black redstart | rougequeue noir | svart rödtjärt | nightingdale, redstarts and chats | |
Saxicola rubetra | whinchat | tarier des prés | buskskvätta | nightingdale, redstarts and chats | |
Saxicola rubicola | european stonechat | tarier pâtre | svarthakad buskskvätta | nightingdale, redstarts and chats | |
Oenanthe oenanthe | northern wheatear | traquet motteux | stenkvätta | nightingdale, redstarts and chats | |
Bombycillla garrulus | bohemian waxwing | jaseur boreal | sidensvans | waxwings | |
Prunella modularis | dunnock | accenteur mouchet | järnsparv | sparrows | |
Passer domesticus | house sparrow | moineau domestique | gråsparv | sparrows | |
Passer montanus | eurasian tree sparrow | moineau friquet | pilfink | sparrows | |
Motacilla cinerea | gray wagtail | bergeronnette des ruisseaux | forsärla | pipits and wagtails | |
Motacilla flava | western yellow wagtail | bergeronnette printanniére | gulärla | pipits and wagtails | |
Motacilla alba | white wagtail | bergeronnette grise | sädesärla | pipits and wagtails | |
Anthus pratensis | meadow pipit | pipit farlouse | ängspiplärka | pipits and wagtails | |
Anthus trivialis | tree pipit | pipit des arbres | trädpiplärka | pipits and wagtails | |
Fringilla coelebs | common chaffinch | pinson des arbres | bofink | finches | |
Fringilla montifringilla | brambling | pinson du nord | bergfink | finches | |
Coccothraustes coccothraustes | hawfinch | grosbec casse-noyaux | stenknäck | finches | |
Pyrrhula purrhula | eurasian bullfinch | bouvreuil pivoine | domherre | finches | |
Chloris chloris | european greenfinch | verdier d’europe | grönfink | finches | |
Linaria flavirostris | twite | linotte a bec jaune | winterhämpling | finches | |
Linaria cannabina | eurasian linnet | linotte mélodieuse | hämpling | finches | |
Acanthis flammea | common redpoll | sizerin flammé | gråsiska | finches | |
Loxia curvirostra | red crossbill | bec-croisé des sapins | mindre korsnäbb | finches | |
Carduelis carduelis | european goldfinch | chardonneret elegant | steglits | finches | |
Spinus spinus | eurasian/ pine siskin | tarin des pins | grönsiska | finches | |
Loxia pytyopsittacus | parrot crossbill | bec-croisé perroquet | störe korsnäb | finches | |
Plectrophenax nivalis | snow bunting | bruant des neiges | snösparv | buntings | |
Emberiza citrinella | yellowhammer | bruant jaune | gulsparv | buntings | |
Emberiza schoeniclus | reed bunting | bruant des roseaux | sävsparv | buntings |